Chris LoParco shares how to write a novel on Ceeya Weekly Talk

Who is Chris LoParco?
- Faith First
- Family
- Author/Illustrator
Chris LoParco's Ceeya page:
Step 1: Passion
- You should write about something you are passionate about.
- If you don’t care about your story, then no one else will.
- An author pours their heart into their tale, giving the audience a feeling of realness and excitement
Step 2: Choose Your Path
When starting out there are 2 main approaches you can take
- Start with an engaging idea – what the story is about and what it will accomplish
- Start with a character or characters and build the story around them
Step 3: The Character
The characters in your story are key
- They are what make the story real for your audience
- Readers like characters that they can relate to, that they can see themselves in
- Make character outlines
- Define their personality
- Define their lives and history
- Design characters that make their own choices
Step 4: What’s the Hook
What is the hook of your story
- Define what the story is about
- Define your Audience
- Define what you want your audience to take away from your tale
Step 5: Outline
Keep a notebook
- Start with a general outline – beginning, middle, end (3 Acts)
- Then refine that outline
- Finally outline each chapter
Step 6: Start Writing
It’s time to start your Rough Draft
- Using your outline as a guide start writing
- As you write imagine you are there
- Imagine you are the characters and let them speak
Step 7: Magic Number
Q: How many times should you rewrite or edit your rough draft?
A: As many times as is needed
Step 8: You’re not done
These are the basic steps to starting your novel. Once you have written it there are more things you need to do
- Edit – I suggest you use an outside editor
- Set up the pages for print
- Cover art
- Interior art if you choose
- Get Published – but that’s a story for another time
It’s a Wrap
Writing a novel is something that starts from within. You need to create characters and a story that people will relate to and fall in love with. You are creating a universe that is both believable and takes away your reader from reality.
I wish you all the best as you take your first steps along this amazing journey.
It is a labor of love and passion.
Let your story be told!
God Bless
You can find Chris LoParco's books and talk to him 1:1 through his Ceeya page: